RewriteRule Tech BUZZ: Climb Your Company to the Top of Search Engine Results Pages with SEO

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Climb Your Company to the Top of Search Engine Results Pages with SEO

When many companies invest in a new website, they often think of the graphics as the most important element of the design process. When you leave your website to a graphic designer, you will no doubt have an attractive website. However, what that graphic designer can’t do is make your product or service accessible to search engine users who are looking to hire a company like yours. The truth is website design is more about attracting people to your site, and less about what your site actually looks like.

The truth is that while a graphic designer knows all about layout and color swatches, moodboards and alignments, they don’t understand how to optimize your site so that it organically appears at the top of the Search Engine Results Page (or SERP) everytime a potential client searches for the type of product or service you offer. Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is one of the most powerful tools available to companies who want to naturally build their brand’s profile on any search engine — whether it’s Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

The most important thing to remember is that no amateur coder or recent college grad will fully understand this process. Only a web design team with years of experience curating search engine optimized link building is going to know how to build a brand online. According to Digital Clicks Marketing, a web design and search engine marketing company out of London, Ontario, the process of developing, building, and maintaining an effective SEO strategy, getting your site ranked, reaching your target demographics, positioning your company effectively, and promoting your product or service in such a way that leads are generated organically and naturally takes a lot of careful planning and delicate execution. If you want to increase organic traffic to your site, creating lines of dialogue with potential customers, you need a team of developers who understand the ins and outs of SEO.

Search engines — especially the giants likeGoogle — use very sophisticated programs called “spiders” that are used to crawl the web in a systematic way, identifying web site trends. This data collected in this way is compiled and then meticulously analyzed and used to determine how relevant your company is in the hierarchy of search results. The reality is that most graphic designers and basic web designers are caught up in the trappings of artwork, and they often don’t appreciate the need to actually bring people to your site. Only a team that fully understands the precise machinations of SEO can help your company get the attention it needs to generate a greater client base, and therefore more revenue.

The sampling of SEO services from Digital Clicks Marketing includes:

·         Building search engine authority,
·         Narrowing search keywords and apply them effectively,
·         Building your brand online through linkbuilding and website blog writing, and
·         Helping your company climb to the top of the search engine results page.

For more information on how an SEO company like Digital Clicks can help you, consult their website to learn more about the process, and how they can custom tailor an SEM campaign for your specific company. A dedicated, professional web design and SEO company can help you get to where you need to be, and the sooner you act, the quicker you can get started on revolutionizing your online presence.

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