RewriteRule Tech BUZZ: top 10 killer ways to drive traffic to your website

Monday, October 21, 2013

top 10 killer ways to drive traffic to your website

Finally the time has come to share some highly successful ways to get instant traffic to your site in high quantity for earning better income from your site

so here it comes the simple yet effective steps to increasing website traffic enormously in 7 days time span.

1. Content is the king:
It is an indispensable fact that without quality content you can not earn or get traffic, so to get high traffic to need to focus on writing good content and consistent content with your in depth knowledge on the subject.
Quality of the articles also matters but if you have less articles with better quality then you have better odds of success than publishing poor quality articles in large numbers.

2. sharing is must :
sharing has 2 prospects in itself  ,lets discuss both of them
   1. applying some sharing widgets- you must put some sharing widgets on your site like (AddThis widget) as it helps people visiting your site to share your article with others,their friends on their profile on various networks ,it helps your site to a traffic boast and popularizes the content.
   2. sharing your post- you must share your own post on your own social profile pages as it helps you to grab your friends attention and ultimately increases website traffic,you can make Facebook pages and share on them,make stumble upon profile to share your article etc.also add follow buttons to your site for your regular site audience

3. Build genuine back links:
 back-links helps to get more traffic from different sites,its beneficial for quality traffic from diversity of sites and content. build back-links to your site on different sites ,it help get more traffic.

4. choosing long tail titles:
 it helps  to get more audience ,as the people search in question form ,so try to to give titles in question form ,it helps to drive more traffic.
for further reference and in depth advantages of long tail title go to :

what to keep in mind while giving a title to blog posts

5. use high trending keywords/tags:
 always use high trending keywords ,tags,labels in your site for grabbing major portion of the search audience which is looking for that topic on search engine ,as it will increase you page rank and chances to get your site visited repeatedly again and again ,thus increasing traffic.

6.optimize your site with S.E.O:
 for better and consistent traffic you need to optimize your site in accordance with S.E.O tips and tricks to get more quality traffic from search engines.
as you know search engine plays a vital role in driving traffic to  the websites ,you must go for this step.
 for further reference and indepth advantages of go to :

7. Use images in your articles: 
whatever your article s about ,you must try to incorporate at-least one image in your article as it helps to increase the visibility of site and also improves the page rank in search engines which ultimately helps to drive more quality traffic from search engines giving a boast in your daily traffic count ,ultimately increase in revenue

8.write a catchy description about your website :
writing a catchy description about your site helps to drive more traffic as it gives a brief about your site what it is about ,so the user get attracted towards the site if he finds the description interesting .
it also helps to get a better search engine page rank.

9. Use some interesting widgets:
  you must always use some useful widgets which helps audience to interact with the site,it increases the on site time of your audience which helps you to retain your audience for longer time which helps you to build quality and loyal audience which will help you to increase website traffic in long run.

10. accept guest posts :
you can accept guest post from people who want to write for your blog,it helps you to get more quality articles related to your site and help boast your site.also you can write some content on other highly popular site with your site link in your article ,it will help you to drive more quality traffic from their site.

for further reference you can visit
increasing-website-traffic-manifolds-in minutes
search engine optimization -in-depth study

at the end i would like to say ,mark my words if you  follow all the above steps then its for sure you will see increasing traffic within 7 days .
it will give you guaranteed success for your site and ultimately helps you to earn some handsome website income.

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