RewriteRule Tech BUZZ: earning big from a new blog

Monday, October 21, 2013

earning big from a new blog

Now days earning big from a blog/website has become a fantasy of every person with a new blog who enters the the arena of blogospher .

But mind it for a new blogger it might not be a easy task to take away big dollar bills into his pocket right in starting, but don't worry we have some ways which will help you to get started with earning money right from beginning and thereafter earning big ...

1. No matter which arena(food,tech,health,fun etc) you are choosing for your site /blog to get started with , you should write at least 40 good and evergreen articles that will remain in trend at least for 2-3 years.
It will help you to make a niche site and ultimately increasing your chances of large revenue.

2. Apply for affiliate marketing like Amazon etc to sell products and then earn commission.
You can also sell your own products and eBooks on your blog to earn more . its the most effective way to earn handsomely from a new blog

3. write paid reviews, once you are ready with your site /blog with some quality content, you can ask people for paid review about their products  ,and gradually you will see some offers coming your way for getting the reviews written by you  featured on your site for a handsome amount of can get started with sites like payperpost, social spark etc for writing paid reviews,link is given in the right side of this website.

4.when you are done with writing some quality stuff you can apply for contextual ad networks for earning ad revenue .you can go for buysell ads,google adsense etc. once your site gets approved you will soon star earning big bucks depending on your sites traffic.

5. you can make videos on anything you know about your sites related topics,share your knowledge ,upload them on YouTube and then promote them on your blog and earn from those videos from google adsesne.if your videos goes viral ,you could land up earning big cash in short time.

if you follow the tips given above , i am sure that within  few weeks of getting started you will definitely start earning some handsome earning,it may not be big but eventually as your blog evolves into web space you will see your earning grow gradually with it.

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