RewriteRule Tech BUZZ: BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) goes cross platform

Saturday, September 21, 2013

BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) goes cross platform

finally the time has come when the much awaited BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) service goes cross platform making its presence on android and ios devices.

BlackBerry Messenger

The BBM for android and ios has been launched and can be downloaded from itunes and play store for free .

currently the user/subscriber base of BBM is nearly 70 millions and it processes 10 billion messages daily which is expected to skyrocket in one month of launch to 10 times of current users base.

so lets see if it's able to beat the whatsapp, line,wechat etc to take the top spot leaving behind its rivals .

The  BBM service allows you to chat and share information with up to 30 users in a single conversation, and ensures your privacy with a unique PIN code which is different for every BBM user which you can use when deciding if you want to share your contact information with others and chat with them .

BBM channels will be coming very soon to make it more interesting for users to interact with companies ,advertisements in a real time communication .

some cool BBM features are as follows 

  • BBM Chat – Enjoy real,immediate conversations with friends on Android, iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones. Not only does BBM let you know that your message has been delivered and read, it also shows you that your friend is responding to the message.
  • file sharing – With BBM you can share files on your phone such as photos and voice notes, all in an instant.
  • Keep your group of friends/bussines in the loop – Multi-person chats are a great way to invite contacts to chat together. BBM Groups lets you invite up to 30 friends to chat together, and go a step further than multi-chat by sharing photos and schedules. And, with Broadcast Message, you can send a message out to all your BBM contacts at once.
  • Post  Regular Updates and stay in touch – BBM lets you post a personal message, profile picture and your current status, and lets your contacts know instantly in Updates.
  • unique PIN – Every BBM user has a unique PIN that maintains your privacy, so you don’t have to give out your phone number or email address to a new or casual contact who could harm your privacy.
  • video chat - you can stay in touch with your contacts via video chat over BBM using wifi or your phone data.
  • awesome emo-icons - you can use awesome and expresive emoicons while chating to express your emotions easily to your friends 
so go ahead download for your devices and enjoy texting with your friends and collegues.

for downloading you can go to following links

for iphone(download from apple itunes):

for android devices(play store) :

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