RewriteRule Tech BUZZ: microsoft wireless mouse 1000 review

Monday, August 19, 2013

microsoft wireless mouse 1000 review

microsoft wireless mouse 1000 is a steady wireless travel mouse at a cheap price to go along .

after using it for a while it has been a wonderful experience with it.the mouse comes with wireless dongle with plug and play feature which can be inserted at the back of the mouse under the battery panel when not in use,so don't worry of getting it lost in your workspace or your travel bag.

 besides that talking about its tech specs, it comes with 1000 dpi resolution pointer the wireless  network of 2.4 ghz works great upto 10m of distance and makes the mouse work like a charm.

the mouse comes with a non rechargeable  AA Duracell battery which has to replaced when it stops offers battery life of 8-10 months depending on your use.

the mouse works on laptop and desktop very smoothly and effortlessly and offers a comfortable experience for your hands as it fits in your hand seamlessly.

it works with Microsoft Windows Vista / XP / 7,Apple MacOS X 10.4.x - 10.6.x

recently in india i bought it for 685/-(14$ approx) which i think is ok for the quality which it offers for long term use.
you can buy it from at cheap prices .here the links are given for you.
for Indians:microsoft wireless mouse 1000
worldwide:microsoft wireless mouse 1000
it comes with a 3 year limited warranty for replacement and damages.

so the bottom line is that The Wireless Mobile Mouse 1000 is a comfortable, no-frills wireless peripheral from microsoft with an enviable battery life at a sweet price meant for normal user and a traveller.

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